Saint Leo the Great Athletic Association


To view Saint Leo's team's current schedules and get directions to venues, please visit our individual team pages under our SPORTS menu.

Support the Athletic Association and show your school spirit today!  Visit our MERCHANDISE page and use the order form to get your spirit wear.

Latest News

2024 Soccer Registration Open

By stleoathletics | June 3, 2024 | Comments Off on 2024 Soccer Registration Open

Registration for 2024 SLG Soccer is now open!  Visit our registration page to sign up. Go Lions!

2024 SLGAA Golf Outing

By stleoathletics | March 15, 2024 | Comments Off on 2024 SLGAA Golf Outing

Please see the attached flyer for information on SLG’s most important athletics fundraiser. Go Lions!

Our Sponsors

The Colts Neck 

Golf Club

Pebble Creek Golf Club

Athlete's Alley